







Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation in Kinnohoshi (Golden Star) Kindergarten early Childhood Education.

Dual Homeroon Teachers: Japanese and English speaker.

Diverse Curriculum Taught by Expert Professional instructers.

An Environment That Provides Unique Experiences and Opportunities for New Challenges Beyond Everyday Life.

When a kind and caring teacher raises a child, they themselves grow into a caring and happy person.

Whether a child can finish a task or not, they are praised for their perseverance.

金の星の7つの特徴 The 7 positive traits of Kinnohoshi kindergarten
Point 1 英語が飛び交う園生活
Kindergarten life in English!

日本人·外国人のダブル担任制で、海外で生活しているように英語に触れて育つことで、世界中の人々と共に歩いていける自信に繋がります。発話力を鍛える“LCA国際学園メソッド”や美しい発音が学べる”サイバードリーム”を導入。 驚くような成果がみられています。 

With a Japanese and a foreign teacher in charge, the children are exposed to and in touch with English as if they were living abroad. This leads to more confidence when interacting with people from all over the world.

We use the "LCA International School Method" to train speaking ability and "Cyber Dream" to teach clear pronunciation. We are seeing amazing results.



Children who used to be timid in groups become active on their own.




Expands the children’s imagination. In addition, there are many painting competitions held. 

Point 2 一流講師陣の専門教育
Professional education by first-rate instructors


In addition to gymnastics, painting, marching band practice, Japanese, English, elementary mathematics, rhythmics and dancing, there are specialized lessons such as Pygmalion (which improves scientific thinking) and Logic Engine (that teaches logical reasoning and develops forms of expression). These subjects help to expand the children’s outlook and make them fascinated in the World.


Marching band



Tuning everyone’s musical instruments. Perform on a big stage the children can feel the emotion.




The children learn the joy of cooperating with their friends and boost their bodies and spirits with self-confindence. 




Our children learn English through actions and expression from our British instructor Paul.


Japanese & Elementary mathematics


Develops reading comprehension, familiarizes children with books and improves their Japanese language skills. / Develops senses of sight and hearing using the abacus and the clock. 




Teaches the characteristics of letters and the order of writing them.




Improves scientific thinking and brings out their own abilities. 


Logic Engine


The children learn logical reasoning. In Japan, we are the only kindergarten to employ this method.


Hip Hop Dance


Teaches the pleasure of rhythm and improves physical skills.




Rhythm Instructor Kamuji ( NHK, Children’s educational and well being conferences. ) Improves the children’s motivation and stimulates their instincts. 



Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium

Point 3 一生の思い出となる多彩なイベント
A variety of events to create memories for a lifetime




In Kinnohoshi kindergarten there are plenty of events that can deepen the bond between parents and children.

Among these and exclusive to us, is the “one-day teacher experience”, parents spend the whole day with the class and join in with a short presentation and book reading time. It’s a good way for parents to see the progression their children are making.

The children always listen intently to the stories told by the parents.

星の子フェスティバル(2月 宮前市民館)

Kinnohoshi Drama Production (February, Miyamae City Hall)



The drama production allows children to perform their favourite acts on a stage surrounded by professional lighting and set design.

The final performance by the teachers is also truly impressive.


Family-participated Sports Day / Pre-school Sports Day


In the morning, the children compete between themselves. But in the afternoon, whole families participate in the famous parent competition. 


Kindergarten trip



The children from the middle and senior years enjoy a river and sea fishing challenge with their fathers. There is a barbecue too. The pre-kindergarten and the junior years go potato digging with their mothers.


Other events

BIRTHDAY PARTY / BON FESTIVAL DANCE / SUMMER SCHOOL (Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, campfire at the kindergarten grounds and a sleepover) / HALLOWEEN PARTY / PETTING ZOO / BAZAAR / CHRISTMAS PARTY / MARATHON

Point 4 遊ぶときも全力で! 元気いっぱい、どろんこ遊び
Play happily with the mud



In the morning and after lunch, we have dedicated free time in the playground. During summer, we put up a large UV-blocking net and play barefoot in the mud.

We have received many positive comments from the parents, such as their children’s bodies becoming stronger.

There is a park adjacent rich in nature, that has a pond visited by migratory birds. You can find beetle larvae and frog spawn there too.

どろんこ遊びの様子 Have fun playing in the mud
Point 5 急な連絡や深夜も対応
We answer emergency and late-night calls. Childcare








Japanese and English speaking teachers play with the children, making it a popular choice. Children can also participate in after-school programs.

※Free after-school care on application for working parents. (7:30~18:30)

 Short term after-school care also available.

※Early morning and late night after school care available.

※Certified Facility for Free Early Childhood Education and After-school care.

※Parking available (07:30~09:30: in front of the kindergarten / 17:00~19:00: park-side lot)

Point 6 充実のアフタースクール
Enriching afterschool


You can choose lessons taught by carefully selected first-rate teachers. Pygmalion,Gymnastics, rhythmic sports gymnastics, English, Okinawan Karate, Baton exercises, piano lessons, soccer, Go, Hip Hop dance, Logic Engine, Musical (taught by an ex Shiki Theatre member). 

Point 7 健康・安全へのこだわり
Commitment to health and safety
  • 32カメラを全館に配置・記録し、ケガの状況を保護者に正しく報告
  • 高性能浄水機を全クラスに設置
  • 家庭機種の1000倍の機能を持つ、プラズマ発生機を全ての換気扇に設置
  • 夏季は大型紫外線カットネットを設置
  • 低温殺菌の牛乳と煮干しの給食(希望制)
  • 保護者ICカードでセキュリティ強化

  • Injury monitoring: 32 cameras covering the whole area ensure accurate reporting and recording of injuries to parents. we report injuries promptly.
  • High performance water purification system installed in all classrooms. 
  • All ventilators are equipped with plasma generators, which have 1000 times the capability of home ventilators. 
  • A large UV cutting net is installed in summer. 
  • Optional School Lunch sets with pasteurized milk and dried sardines. 
  • Enhanced security: parent/guardian access with IC cards.




2025年度 未就園児保育




2024年度 親子イベントのお知らせ

2024年度 親子イベント




2024年度 未就園児保育





Our bus routes cover a wide area

  • 都筑区・青葉区・川崎への広範囲のバス送迎(Googleマップで確認)

  • 預かり保育後の夕方便(17時〜)は、田園都市線とブルーラインの各駅に送迎
  • 田園都市線(市が尾・あざみ野・たまプラーザ・鷺沼) ブルーライン(センター南・センター北・仲町台・日吉本町)

  • We provide a scheduled bus service over a wide-area covering, Tsuzuki ward, Aoba ward and Kawasaki (check on google maps).

  • Evening Bus Service After Daycare (from 5PM):  Transportation is provided to stations along the Den-en-toshi line and Blue line.
         Den-en-toshi line:   Ichigao, Azamino, Tama-Plaza, Saginuma.
         Blue line:                Center-Minami, Center-Kita, Nakamachidai, Hiyoshi-Honcho.


Kinnohoshi kindergarten uniform



Children go to kindergarten in sailor uniform.They play in gym wear chosen from a variety of colours. During the summer the kids play barefoot and wear a  special breathable vest.


Choice of school lunch box or packed lunch.


School has food options for kids with allergies. Lunch sets with pasteurized milk and dried sardines (on request)


Everyday a class report and photos are sent to the parents.


Our kindergarten is also on Instagram


Our kindergarten is also on Yotube

Pre-kindergarten course
for 2 year olds.





It is the basis of life to acquire the ability to listen to others by the age of 3 while the child’s personality is developing. The Japanese and foreign teachers work to nurture this in a fun and rewarding environment. Cultivate interest, concentration and self-confidence to grow into a good child.

You can join the class with your baby.






To allow as many families as possible to enjoy Kinnohoshi's childcare, all courses in the ABC Preschool Program are offered free of charge.

A: "Let's play in English" Course.

Children who were initially hesitant about English-based care quickly adapt to the language. Parents are thrilled, saying, "They repond in English at the most unexpected moments.

B: "Enjoy Lessons with Expert Instructers" Course.

During the curious and eager early childhood years, children can experience authentic, engaging lessons by specialized instructers, fostering interest, imagination and focus.

C: "Enjoy Seasonal Events" Course.

Held once a month on Saturdays, these parent-child events feature seasonal themes, crafts and fun activities. Hugely popular, with about 100 families participating in every session.


2・3歳児 未就園児保育



A ポール先生と英語で遊ぼう


B 金の星講師保育




C 土曜日の季節イベント(毎月1回)









《A》 HPのイベントフォームに参加希望の曜日順に記載(受付中)

《BとC》 LINEに掲載/LINEで申し込み(前月1日より受付)

Non-Enrolled 2-3 Year Old Preschoolers.

(Free of charge: Parent and child program)

Childcare Hours: 10:00-11:00

A: "Let'sPlay in English with Mr. Paul".

Choose one day from Monday, Thursday or Friday (7 sessions in the first term; first come, first served).

B: Expert-Led Lessons for Toddlers.

Five enjoyable subjects chosen from 10 offered by Kinnohoshi instructors, tailored for 2-year-olds.


    Pygmalion Method




(Priority given to first-time participants with each instructor; first come, first served.

C: Seasonal Saturday Events.

Held once a month, featuring seasonal themes and activities.

★Term Details:

First Term: April-September.  

    No bus service, lunch or daycare available.

Second Term: October-March (Prepatory course for official enrollment, limited to selected participants).

    Optional Daycare: ¥300/30 mins (available until 2PM).

    Lunch available.

    No bus service: Parent and child drop-off/pick-up required.

    For children enrolled in the Full 3-year-old Daily Course, bus and daycare services (until 6:30 PM) are available.


A: Register through the event form on the website, listing preferred days in order of availablity (open now).

B & C: Check details on LINE and apply via LINE (applications open from the first of the previous month).



  • 2025年は10月より受付(入園内定者)
  • 保育料等在園児と同額 (25700円/月 減額)
  • 保育時間・カリキュラム 在園児と同じ
  • バス・給食・預かりあり

Enrollment for Children Turning 3. ( Children can attend independently)

     Enrollment for 2025 starts in October (for selected applicants).
     Tuition and Fees: Same as enrolled children (¥25,700/month with a reduction).
     Childcare hours & Curriculum: Same as enrolled children.
     Bus Service, Lunch and After-care: available.


















Parents voice

◆The kindergarten has a system “one-day teacher” whereby one parent from each class participates in childcare each day. I was able to get a sense of what was going on in the classroom. I was very satisfied because I did not expect my child to be exposed to the amount of English that I witnessed. After the “one day teacher”, a meeting is held with the principal to talk about the experience and to give feedback.

◆My two children are attending the kindergarten. My eldest is in senior year, my youngest was able to join the preschool course last year in June. Thanks to that, he can speak more English at home than his brother when he was the same age. He sings English songs and talks in English like he does at kindergarten while playing with his older brother. He can talk about things around him like colors, animals, etc. I'm surprised that my children can reach such an English level in a short period. I feel that English is not just a subject, but a part of my life.

◆I am very satisfied with the full-fledged curriculum covering a wide range of fields, such as how to write letters, the original educational workbooks of Kinnohoshi, painting, music, and Pygmalion.

◆I thought it was wonderful that all the children actively communicated with both Japanese and foreign teachers. I think that many Japanese people hold back from foreigners and are unable to communicate with them, by interacting with foreigners from a young age, not just to speak English but also to eliminate mental barriers, they will be able to play an active role in the future. I think the world will expand. When my child was young, he was the type to be shy and absent-minded, but now he's starting to greet and talk to foreign teachers on his own. I'm really glad he has overcome his fears. He is having a unique experience.

◆In elementary school, my son was praised by his teacher. “Kin-no-Hoshi kindergarten children are well-mannered, so you can recognize them right from the first day.”

◆My 3rd year elementary school child, having talked with his peers about kindergarten said thank you to me for enrolling him in Kinnohoshi kindergarten. He said he had a great time there.

◆I participated in the junior class as a "One Day Teacher”, and I was pleasantly surprised by the children's spoken English skill. They were able to express themselves using a variety of sentences.

◆All three sons of my family are indebted to Kin-No-Hoshi Kindergarten. Year by year, the level of English taught at the kindergarten has increased, compared to the two elementary school students who graduated from kindergarten, my youngest child has the highest English level, and at home he speaks and plays with his brothers in English.

◆When I saw the children in the kindergarten during the tour, I was worried that my child would not be able to keep up, but after participating as the “one-day teacher” in the class, my child who had been quiet, actively spoke out in a well-balanced way. I was impressed by what I saw.

◆The daily curriculum is varied, the combination of foreign and Japanese teachers is well balanced, and there is also a good balance between focus and free time.

◆I was surprised by the speed with which the foreign teacher spoke English, it was astonishing to see that the children understood and responded in English.

◆At home, my children happily talk about things they have learned every day, such as English and kanji. Participating in the One-day Teacher program, I was able to see how the children were learning English and kanji cards from specialized teachers. I could see how the children were enjoying themselves while absorbing various things. I was also impressed by the fact that my child was able to do more than I had expected.

◆Participating in the One-Day Teacher program, I was impressed by the way all the children spoke English fluently and without fear.

◆I was surprised how every child followed happily the schedule that changed by the minute. Also, the children helped each other with everything, and I was relieved that they were doing well before entering elementary school.


  • どこにも無い、世界に1つだけの幼稚園。
  • 同じ日は絶対無い。他では出来ないことが沢山体験できる。
  • 子どもも先生もみんないつも笑っている。
  • 先生達の仲が良い。職員が優しくて助けてくれる。
  • 先生達が元気、真剣、負けず嫌い、仲良し、あつい。
  • 子どもも先生も、頑張る時の頑張り具合がすごい。
  • 園長が面白い。先生達が面白い。先生全員が個性豊か。
  • 思いやりに溢れる人間性を持った集団(先生、子ども、保護者)
  • どんな状況もみんなで力を合わせて乗り越えてきた。
  • 自分も楽しい自分なりの保育ができる。やりがいを感じることが多い。
  • 「1日先生」で保護者と一緒に保育体験ができて、保育者と保護者の距離が近い。

Staff voice

  • There is no kindergarten like this in the whole world.
  • Each day is different. You can experience many things that you cannot do anywhere else.
  • Children and teachers are always laughing.
  • The teachers are getting along. The staff are kind and helpful.
  • The teachers are energetic, serious, competitive, and friendly.
  • Both children and teachers are amazing when they do their best.
  • The principal is warm and friendly. The teachers are all unique and are fun to be with.
  • A group of compassionate people (teachers, children, parents)
  • We all work together to overcome any situation.
  • You can enjoy childcare incorporating your own nuances whilst teaching. I often find it rewarding.
  • Parents and guardians can experience childcare together in the “one-day teacher” program, and the communication between childcare workers and parents is better for it.

After graduation



Kindergarten visit







TEL 045-911-7000


  • 市営地下鉄ブルーライン「中川」徒歩3分
  • 田園都市線「あざみ野」乗り換え1駅「中川」


  • 月・火・木・金 8:30~14:00
  • 水  8:30~11:15








  • Nakagawa Station on the Blue Line Municipal Subwayis a 3-minute walk from the kindergarten.
  • Azamino station ( Den-en-toshi Line ) is 1 stop from Nakagawa station.

Childcare hours

  • Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30~14:00
  • Wed 8:30~11:15